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Tag Archives: Orphaned Children


Ways You Can Help Even if You Are Not Wealthy

Helping to provide humanitarian assistance is not only for the rich. You can lend a helping hand to those in need in different ways. As a non-profit organization, we have received help from many individuals, groups, companies, and organizations in mo...

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Creating Better Opportunities for Children In Need

It is painful and heartbreaking to see children who do not have access to their basic educational needs because of their living situation. Because of the growing problem regarding children’s need for quality education, America Friends of Searchligh...

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The Power of Knowledege and Education

The importance of having knowledge cannot be understated. However, there are various communities and children in less privilege countries who are unable to gain this basic yet important necessity. That is where we can provide our assistance. We at Am...

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Our Mission Towards Accessible Education

The right to an education is a fundamental human right to which everyone should have equal access. Schools assist children in becoming well-rounded and useful members of society so they may not be able to contribute optimally if they do not learn the...

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A Basic Right: Right to Quality Education

The right to education is declared and affirmed by the Universal Declaration of Human Rights as one of the fundamental human rights for everyone. Access to quality education is vital in developing a fully-rounded human being. However, there are kids,...

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Give Underprivileged Cameroonian Youth the Right to Learn

Quality Basic Education is, unfortunately, an unattainable basic right for most Cameroonian children. Even with Basic Education being compulsory and offered almost free in public schools, education is relatively low because of overcrowded classrooms....

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